Strategic Analysis of Marketing Practices of HEYTEA

-- How HEYTEA can Sustain its Competitive Advantages


  • Huiyu Yang
  • Nan Chen
  • Zurui Chen



Marketing Analysis; Branding and Marketing; Operational Management; SWOT Analysis; Brand Equity; HEYTEA.


HYETEA is one of the most renowned tea beverage brands in China. Obtaining great successes in the past few years, HYETEA, however, is simultaneously facing massive challenges and market competition. In this context, this study adopts the SWOT analysis model to investigate the state-of-the-art of the HYETEA brand. Based on the analysis, two major problems are stated for discussion. With an attempt to solve those proposed challenges encountered by HYEATEA, this study also comprehensively appraises its marketing, branding as well as operational strategies in order to propose feasible solutions to leverage more sustainable development of the HYETEA brand. As a result of our analysis, an array of strategic suggestions is delineated in the end.


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How to Cite

Yang, H., Chen, N., & Chen, Z. (2021). Strategic Analysis of Marketing Practices of HEYTEA: -- How HEYTEA can Sustain its Competitive Advantages. BCP Business & Management, 15, 157-163.