“Enabling” or “Burdensome”: The Double-edged Sword Effect of Telecommuting on Employee Health


  • Yanzan Yang




Telecommuting; Employee Health; Employee Self-efficacy; Job Demands-resources Model.


With COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control entering into the regular state in China, flexible working schedule, featured by telecommuting, has been chosen by a large number of enterprises as an emergency work measure to ensure the normal operation of enterprises. For further analysis of effects on health of employees telecommuting, according to JD-R model, this paper constructs the telecommuting employee health impact of theoretical model, 225 valid questionnaires of the research results show that the telecommuting have a Double-edged effect on the employees physical and mental health effects of path, and employee Self-efficacy play a mediating role in this path. When telecommuting is manifested as work resources, employees will be willing to consume personal resources, improve work enthusiasm and participation, and Self-efficacy can be effectively played, and promote the improvement of employees' health level; on the contrary, it goes down. The research results will provide new ideas and new perspectives for the research on the adjustment of enterprise employment mode, the creation of employee Self-efficacy and the sustainable and healthy development of organizations under the background of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control.


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How to Cite

Yang, Y. (2021). “Enabling” or “Burdensome”: The Double-edged Sword Effect of Telecommuting on Employee Health. BCP Business & Management, 15, 262-272. https://doi.org/10.54691/bcpbm.v15i.281