Case Analysis of Supercell’s Marketing Strategy


  • Pengxu Huang
  • Guanrong Zhang



Supercell; video game; marketing strategy.


As the game industry provides increasingly high profit to each countries, majority of people are interesting in how this latest industry can develop in such a skyrocketing speed. To figure out the answer, it is necessary to apply marketing’s 4p theory to a typical game company. Supercell is chose as the case to analyze. At the same time, analyze the existing problems of the representative company and give legitimate suggestion toward those problems as well. As the results, the attraction of products, acceptability of price, accessibility of placement and agility of promotion have led to predominate position of game industry. But the lack of creativity, players’ socialization and in-game systems have been the main problems for some companies to lose profits consecutively.


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How to Cite

Huang, P., & Zhang, G. (2023). Case Analysis of Supercell’s Marketing Strategy. BCP Business & Management, 43, 226-232.