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Peer Review Policies
Conference organizers and editors may select their reviewers, but all reviewers must be suitably qualified experts in the field. All reviews must be conducted according to the standard norms and expectations of an ethical review process. A robust peer-review process will reflect the quality of the published proceedings, providing recognition of the editors’ work. We ask alleditors and associated referees to evaluate each manuscript according to the following minimum criteria.
Have an adequate title. | Include an abstract. | Have reasonable conclusions. | Be an academic paper. | Uses correct English.
It will be of great help to the Conference Organizers if referees could consider the key points related to scientific content, quality and presentation. Reviewers asked to verify the basic content follows.
1. Is the manuscript of high scientific quality?
2. Is themanuscript free from errors?
3. Is the paper well organized?
4. Is the title appropriate?
5. Are the references to related work adequate?
6. Is the English satisfactory?
7. Are thefigures clear?
8. Are the tables clear?
Peer Review Statement
Proceedings editors must take all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the materials they publish. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings series published by Boya Century Publishing. All published proceedings contain a Statement of Peer Review confirming that the editors have conducted the reviewing process in accordance with the Boya Century Publishing' Policy on Publishing Integrity.