Reproduction and Interpretation of Traditional Cultural Elements in Digital Media Teaching and Learning
Traditional Culture; Digital Media Teaching; Reproduction; Interpretation; Cultural Education.Abstract
This study aims to explore how traditional cultural elements can be reproduced and culturally interpreted in digital media teaching. With the rapid development of digital media technology, the education sector is paying more and more attention to the transmission and dissemination of traditional culture, and the digital media platform provides a wide range of opportunities to achieve this goal. This study provides an in-depth discussion on several dimensions, including theoretical foundations, element selection, interpretation methods, and challenges and opportunities. Firstly, we explore the definition and importance of traditional culture, as well as the concepts and trends in digital media teaching and learning, emphasising the intrinsic connection between the two. Subsequently, we describe the methods and criteria for selecting traditional cultural elements, and analyse in detail the application of digital media tools and techniques in reproducing traditional cultural elements. The study delves into the application of the theory of cultural interpretation, as well as the reproduction and transfer of meaning of cultural elements in digital media teaching. We discuss issues related to challenges and opportunities, including the balance between cultural adaptation and cultural protection, intellectual property issues, and future trends. Finally, we summarise the key findings of this study, highlight the importance of traditional cultural elements in digital media teaching and provide relevant recommendations. Through the in-depth discussion in this study, we expect to provide useful thoughts and guidance on the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture, as well as contribute new perspectives and insights to the research and practice in the field of digital media teaching.
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