Examining Corporate Crisis Public Relations Practices in Sport Star Crisis Events from the Perspective of Positive Public Relations


  • Moxi Tang




Positive Public Relations; Sports Star Crisis; Crisis Public Relations Practices; Liu Xiang Incident.


Positive psychology is an emerging current of thought in contemporary psychology. The extension of related viewpoints and concepts from positive psychology into public relations research can facilitate a "qualitative" leap for corporations in crisis handling, communication, image reshaping, and trust rebuilding in the field of crisis public relations. This paper adopts a positive public relations perspective to analyze the "Liu Xiang incidents in 2008 and 2012" as case studies, exploring corporate crisis public relations practices in sports star crisis events. This research bears significant practical implications for strengthening corporate public relations crisis management and future development.


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How to Cite

Tang, M. (2023). Examining Corporate Crisis Public Relations Practices in Sport Star Crisis Events from the Perspective of Positive Public Relations. Frontiers in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(6), 25-29. https://doi.org/10.54691/fhss.v3i6.5139