Research on the Professional Development for Senior High School English Teachers Under the Background of New Curriculum Standards


  • Chengyuan Jia



Professional Development, New Curriculum Standards, Student-Centered Learning.


The professional development of teachers is essential for adapting to evolving educational standards and improving teaching effectiveness. This study investigates the professional development needs of senior high school English teachers under the background of New Curriculum Standards in China. It examines current practices, identifies key components of effective professional development, and proposes improvement strategies. The New Curriculum Standards emphasizes student-centered learning, competency-based education, and technology integration. Key findings highlight the importance of sustained learning, relevance, active engagement, collaboration, and reflective practice. Customized training programs, supported by mentorship and flexible learning options, are essential. Technology integration in professional development is crucial for providing access to online resources and fostering continuous learning. Despite these strengths, the study identifies areas for improvement, including personalized training, follow-up support, and time management. Future research should focus on the long-term effects of professional development programs and their impact on teaching effectiveness and student outcomes.


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How to Cite

Jia , C. (2024). Research on the Professional Development for Senior High School English Teachers Under the Background of New Curriculum Standards. Frontiers in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(6), 170-179.