Preparing Your Manuscript


The authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts as per the instructions/specifications given below. It should be noted that the review process is solely depend upon the significance of the work and the care used by authors to represent it, in the form of their manuscripts. Therefore, authors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing/submitting their manuscript for publication.

Manuscript Submission

Papers should be submitted to the Journal's submission email address:

Editor-in-Chief, Zachary Francis (Email:

Chinese authors, who require the national tax invoice provided by China's State Taxation Administration, please contact our China branch (Email:

Frontiers in Sustainable Development (FSD) is a monthly online, international, peer-reviewed journal. All articles published are rigorously and fast reviewed meeting the Journal Quality standards. FSD is dedicated to publish empirical, academic, theoretical and review research articles that contribute to the practice in sustainable development, and related topics. The journal welcomes submissions in the areas of Environmental, Food, and Health Sustainability, including but not limited to Biomedical Technologies, Climate Change,Disaster Risk Reduction, Food and Environmental Legislation, Food Production and Consumption, Global Warming, Green Technologies, Healthcare Issues, Industrial Wastes, Informational Technology, Smart Cities, Soil Conservation, Urban Planning, Urban Transportation, Wastewater, Water and Soil Conservation; Sustainable Energy, including but not limited to Bio-Energy, Energy Efficient Buildings, Fossil Fuels, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectricity, Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energies, Solar Energy, Tidal Power, Wave Power, Wind Energy; Economic Sustainability, including but not limited to Banking and Finance, Business, Business Ethics, Customer Relationship Management, Disaster Management, E-Commerce, Emerging Countries, Entrepreneurship Management, Event Management, Financial Sustainability, High-technology and new media marketing, Human Resources Management, International Trade, Large Enterprises, Logistics Management, Management Information System, Marketing, Microfinance, Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations, Project Management, SME, Small and Medium Enterprises, Supply Chain Management, Technology Management; Socio-Cultural Sustainability, including but not limited to Architecture, Cultural Routes, Design Processes, Education, Farming, Governance Sustainability, Housing, Human Development, Learning Environment, Psychology, Rural Development, Sociology, Tourism, Sustainable Urbanism, etc.

Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published previously, and is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Submission also implies that the corresponding author has consent of all authors.

Whenever applicable, submissions must include the following elements: title, authors, affiliations, contacts, abstract, introduction, main text, conclusions, acknowledgement, references.

Upon acceptance for publication, transfer of copyright will be made, author will be requested to pay a mandatory publication charge. Article submission implies author agreement with this policy.

Manuscripts should be written in English. Other languages will not be accepted. Authors are advised to follow the format of the final version at this stage. All the papers should ideally not exceed 30 pages.

Authors may suggest 2-4 reviewers when submitting their works, by providing us with the reviewers' title, full name and contact information. The editor will decide whether the recommendations will be used or not.

Please read our Publication Ethics before submitting.

Revised and Final Version

Revised version should follow the same requirements as for the final version to format the paper, plus a short summary about the modifications authors have made and author's response to reviewer's comments.

Authors are requested to use the FSD Journal Style for preparing the final camera-ready version. An example paper is available. Template in MS word (Template.docx) can also be downloaded. Authors are requested to strictly follow the guidelines specified in the template. Only PDF format, DOC and DOCX format is acceptable. The PDF document should be sent as an open file, i.e. without any data protection. Authors should submit their revised paper electronically to the Journal's submission address. Please always quote the paper ID in the submissions and any further enquiries.

Authors will receive the notification of acceptance by email from our Editor-in-Chief, with the guidelines of how to finalize the other publication procedures.