Summary of the Influence of Image Subject Ratio on Design Evaluation


  • Yankun Wu



Proportion of Image Subject; Image Processing; Eye Movement; EEG; Information Transmission.


With the rapid development of the information age, images and animations have become the mainstream way of product display at present. At the same time, the development of image processing and technology makes the rapid processing of images become a reality. Through image processing, the proportion of the image subject to the whole image is calculated, and the image sample and its proportion are obtained. A more accurate psychological model of users' needs is obtained by using the joint experiment of eye movement and EEG, and the influence of image subject ratio on users' information transmission is determined. The purpose of this study is to provide reference and suggestions for product design publicity pictures, and to help designers design products that meet users' emotional demands from a user-centered perspective.


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How to Cite

Wu, Y. (2024). Summary of the Influence of Image Subject Ratio on Design Evaluation. Frontiers in Science and Engineering, 4(3), 108-112.