Microbial-induced Deposition of Calcium Carbonate to Repair Concrete
Concrete; Crack Healing; MICP; Influencing Factor.Abstract
With the rapid development of the construction industry, the service life of concrete buildings has been severely tested. Due to its characteristics, concrete cracks become inevitable in concrete structures. The existence of cracks seriously affects the durability and safety of concrete. The repair of concrete cracks is an urgent issue. The emerging MICP technology can repair concrete cracks by inducing the precipitation of calcite by microorganisms, which is more economical and environmentally friendly than the traditional crack repair methods, and thus has become a hot research topic in recent years. The influencing factors for the effect of bioremediation of concrete are also under constant research. This paper summarizes the current research status of MICP technology and the repair of concrete cracks. The mechanism of MICP is introduced, and the influencing factors of concrete crack repair are discussed.
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