Author Guidelines

The authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts as per the instructions/specifications given below. It should be noted that the review process is solely depend upon the significance of the work and the care used by authors to represent it, in the form of their manuscripts. Therefore, authors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing/submitting their manuscript for publication.

Manuscript Submission

Papers should be submitted to the Journal's submission email address:

Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Steve Lunev (e-mail:

International Core Journal of Engineering invites original, previously unpublished, research papers, review, survey and tutorial papers, application papers, plus case studies, short research notes and letters, on both applied and theoretical aspects.

Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published previously, and is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Submission also implies that the corresponding author has consent of all authors.

Whenever applicable, submissions must include the following elements: title, authors, affiliations, contacts, abstract, index terms, introduction, main text, conclusions, appendixes, acknowledgement, references, and biographies.

Upon acceptance for publication transfer of copyright will be made to International Core Journal of Engineering, author will be requested to pay a mandatory publication charge. Article submission implies author agreement with this policy.

Manuscripts should be written in English. Other formats will not be accepted. Authors are advised to follow the format of the final version at this stage. All the papers should ideally not exceed 25 pages.

Authors may suggest 2-4 reviewers when submitting their works, by providing us with the reviewers' title, full name and contact information. The editor will decide whether the recommendations will be used or not.

Please read our Publication Ethics before submitting.

Revised and Final Version

Revised version should follow the same requirements as for the final version to format the paper, plus a short summary about the modifications authors have made and author's response to reviewer's comments.

Authors are requested to use the ICJE Journal Style for preparing the final camera-ready version. An example paper is available. Authors are requested to strictly follow the guidelines specified in the template. Only PDF format and DOC format is acceptable. The PDF document should be sent as an open file, i.e. without any data protection. Authors should submit their revised paper electronically to the Journal's submission address. Please always quote the paper ID in the submissions and any further enquiries.

Authors will receive the notification of acceptance by email from our Editor-in-Chief, with the guidelines of how to finalize the other publication procedures.

Copyright Transfer

The author(s) acknowledged that the manuscript submitted is his/her/their own original work; all authors participated in the work in a substantive way and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work; all authors have seen and approved the manuscript as submitted; the manuscript has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere; the text, illustrations, and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe (plagiarism) upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone. 

Notwithstanding the above, the Contributor(s) or, if applicable the Contributor’s Employer, retain(s) all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as Patent rights; to use, free of charge, all parts of this article for the author’s future works in books, lectures, classroom teaching or oral presentations; the right to reproduce the article for their own purposes provided the copies are not offered for sale. 

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