Deep Learning-Based Data Completion and Prediction Model for Burglary Cases


  • Enqi Cao
  • Fanliang Bu
  • Zhuxuan Han



Deep Learning; Data Completion; Crime Prediction.


To address the problem of data completion and prediction for burglary cases, a data completion and prediction model for burglary cases is proposed. The model first constructs a Conv-BiGRU-AE data completion module to effectively fill in the missing data in burglary cases. Then, a Trans-CrimeNet crime prediction module is established to use the completed burglary data for crime prediction. Experimental results show that, under a 20% missing rate, the MAE and RMSE of burglary crime prediction by Trans-CrimeNet after completion by Conv-BiGRU-AE decreased by 17.14% and 11.68%, respectively. Under a 30% missing rate, the MAE and RMSE decreased by 13.77% and 13.17%, respectively.


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How to Cite

Cao, Enqi, Fanliang Bu, and Zhuxuan Han. 2024. “Deep Learning-Based Data Completion and Prediction Model for Burglary Cases”. International Core Journal of Engineering 10 (8): 22-28.