Finite Element Simulation of Cast-In-Place Box Girder Combined Support for Side Span of Zishui Bridge


  • Zezhi Zhu
  • Haichao Li



Cast-In-Place Box Girder; Combined Brace; Finite Element; Force Condition.


Combined bracket for cast-in-place girder using the most, the most common, higher safety factor construction method. This paper takes Yichang high-speed Zishui Bridge side span cast-in-place box girder combination bracket as an example, due to the influence of site constraints, the conventional bracket can not meet the requirements of the bridge construction, so it adopts the steel pipe column plus beribboned beam combination structural design. Midas Civil is used to calculate the stresses of the beams and components, so as to provide calculation methods and optimization ideas for similar projects.


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How to Cite

Zhu, Zezhi, and Haichao Li. 2024. “Finite Element Simulation of Cast-In-Place Box Girder Combined Support for Side Span of Zishui Bridge”. International Core Journal of Engineering 10 (11): 170-79.