Exploration of UAV Path Planning Methods and Algorithms


  • Jufeng Yin
  • Qiwu Wu
  • Kaimin Guo
  • Weicong Tan




Unmanned Aircraft; Path Planning; Algorithm Classification; Intelligent Optimization Algorithm.


With the rapid development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology, different kinds of UAVs are widely used in the fields of traffic inspection, disaster rescue, cargo delivery, and target reconnaissance due to their flexibility and low altitude flight capability. Path planning, as an important part of UAV autonomous flight, is of great significance to guarantee flight safety and improve mission efficiency. Therefore, clarifying the basic methods and related algorithm classification for carrying out UAV path planning will help to carry out algorithm improvement research in depth in the next step.


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How to Cite

Yin, Jufeng, Qiwu Wu, Kaimin Guo, and Weicong Tan. 2024. “Exploration of UAV Path Planning Methods and Algorithms”. International Core Journal of Engineering 10 (12): 57-64. https://doi.org/10.6919/ICJE.202412_10(12).0007.