Cross-modal Pedestrian Re-identification based on Spatially Enhanced Dual-stream Network


  • Zheyu Fu
  • Xiaoguang Hu
  • Xu Wang



Pedestrian Re-identification; Deep Learning; Cross-modality; Feature Learning; Convolutional Neural Network (CNN); Space Enhancement.


In the current research on cross-modal pedestrian re-identification, the main difficulty lies in the low recognition accuracy caused by the difference between modalities, in order to solve this problem. In this paper, we propose a new spatially enhanced dual-stream network, which is called Multivariate Extended Network (DEN). This method can embed different learning features to reduce the gap between modalities. The network is composed of a spatial embedding module (CPM) and a multi-feature aggregation module (SEM), in which the spatial embedding module can embed diversified information to improve performance, and the multi-feature aggregation module can aggregate features at different stages to mine channel and spatial information, thereby improving the ability of the network to mine different embeddings at different levels.


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How to Cite

Fu, Zheyu, Xiaoguang Hu, and Xu Wang. 2024. “Cross-Modal Pedestrian Re-Identification Based on Spatially Enhanced Dual-Stream Network”. Scientific Journal of Intelligent Systems Research 6 (9): 13-23.