Research on the objects of sacrifice in the Kaiyang Festival and Xieyang Festival in Ningbo and Zhoushan--Centred on Mazu and Longwang


  • Lei Chen
  • Jiayi Jin
  • Keying Zhang
  • Ruoqing Yang



Kaiyang Festival; XieyangFestival; Mazu; Longwang.


The Kaiyang Festival and Xieyang Festival are one of the important intangible cultural heritages in China, which are widely popular among fishermen groups along the eastern coast of China. Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, and Daishan County, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, are the main remaining places of the Kaiyang Festival and Xieyang Festival, but the objects of worship of the Kaiyang Festival and Xieyang Festival in Xiangshan City, Ningbo are mainly Mazu, while those in Daishan City, Zhoushan City, are the Longwang. This paper will study the differences in the objects of worship between the two places, analyze the environmental differences between the two places and study the historical development of the beliefs of Mazu and Longwang, and try to explore the reasons for the differences.


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How to Cite

Chen, Lei, Jiayi Jin, Keying Zhang, and Ruoqing Yang. 2024. “Research on the Objects of Sacrifice in the Kaiyang Festival and Xieyang Festival in Ningbo and Zhoushan--Centred on Mazu and Longwang”. Scientific Journal Of Humanities and Social Sciences 6 (12): 130-37.