Performance Analysis of Buried Natural Gas Pipeline under Uneven Settlement Action


  • Shijie Wang
  • Yanhua Chen
  • Haibin Chen
  • Zhenying Zhang



Natural Gas Pipeline; Uneven Settlement; Finite Element Analysis.


This paper uses ABAQUS software, considering the nonlinear contact of pipe soil and buried soil material, and studies the simulation experiment of X100 steel pipe under uneven settlement conditions. The influence of settlement, internal pressure and wall thickness on the strain of steel pipe are discussed. The results show that compared with the internal pressure, the wall thickness has a greater impact on the deformation, the increased wall thickness can effectively reduce the maximum pressure strain, and the maximum pressure strain position will move to the axial direction. Deformation analysis and prevention of X100 steel pipe under uneven settlement conditions are very important, which will play a positive role in improving the safety and reliability of the pipeline and avoiding potential safety accidents.


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How to Cite

Wang, S., Chen, Y., Chen, H., & Zhang, Z. (2024). Performance Analysis of Buried Natural Gas Pipeline under Uneven Settlement Action. Scientific Journal of Technology, 6(3), 71-79.