Real-time Welding Machine Status Recognition using Embedded Perceptron Color Classification Model


  • Weihan Wang
  • Jinchao Xiao
  • Cheng Gao



MATLAB; Color Classification; Perceptron Model; Machine Learning; Embedded Development.


This paper aims to utilize the perceptron model in machine learning to achieve precise classification of the working status of welding machines by analyzing image data. We collected static images of welding and non-welding operations, extracted the R, G, B color values of the images, and labeled them accordingly (+1 for welding status, -1 for idle status). By employing the stochastic gradient descent method for training the perceptron model, we obtained the weights w and bias b of the model under the condition that all data points in the training set are correctly classified. The model's recognition accuracy was validated on the test set. Ultimately, we applied this model to the STM32f103zet6 microcontroller chip and successfully achieved real-time recognition of the welding machine's operational status during the welding process via a camera. Through testing, the classification accuracy reached 83.6%. Further optimization of classification criteria can be combined with relevant expert suggestions, providing a reference solution for monitoring and identifying the working status of welding machines in steel pipe production.


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How to Cite

Wang, W., Xiao, J., & Gao, C. (2024). Real-time Welding Machine Status Recognition using Embedded Perceptron Color Classification Model. Scientific Journal of Technology, 6(3), 99-108.