A Review of Research on Error Correction in English in College Entrance Examination in China from 2013-2022


  • Xiao He




Error Correction; Research Methods; Research Content; Test Validity.


Error correction in English is the constructional question type of the compulsory English test in the college entrance examination, including modification, addition and deletion, and the content involves morphology, grammar and syntax. In this paper, from two aspects of research methods and research content, quantitative and qualitative analysis methods are used to review the research papers on essay error correction in CNKI academic journals. The results show that the research method is single and the research tool is simple. In terms of research content, there are some defects in the depth and breadth of domestic essay error correction research, the proportion of introduction and problem-solving skills is too large, and the proportion of empirical research is insufficient, which needs to be expanded in depth. Finally, combined with the latest development of foreign error correction research, the development direction of the research is prospected from the aspects of research content, level and research methods, and some suggestions and references are provided for future related research.


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How to Cite

He, X. (2024). A Review of Research on Error Correction in English in College Entrance Examination in China from 2013-2022. Scientific Journal of Technology, 6(6), 58-63. https://doi.org/10.54691/q3j7aa97