Publication Procedure

The following notes provide a summary of the BCP Social Sciences & Humanities publishing process.

1.   Contact us directly with details of the conference.

2.   The BCP Conference Series team will review the details of your conference and write to confirm if we can offer a proceedings publishing contract. After any further discussions we will send you a draft publishing agreement that will contain all the details and terms of publication.

3.   Authors submit their papers to the conference organizers who manage the peer review. Once review of the papers is completed theconference organizers submit the final papers to BCP Conference Series in one batch. Papers submitted to us must be PDFs and must be in their final form ready for publication (as we do not edit or proofread papers after they are submitted to us). Please ensure that all changes have been approved by authors prior to the PDFs being submitted to Boya Century Publishing.

4.   Production and publication. the documents will be available online within 2-8 weeks after final submission. Please Note: Once a paper has been published online, changes will only be permitted in cases of serious scientific error. In those cases, an erratum or corrigendum will be published according tothe practices of professional scientific publishing. Changes resulting from stylistic issues cannot be made to proceedings once they are published, so it is important that authors and organizers ensure papers have been adequately checked and proofed prior to submission. We cannot publish any proceedings until the entire set of files meets the requirements of our publication and production systems.