Factors Contributing to the Signing of the Abraham Accords
The Abraham Accords; Classic Realism; Neo-realism; Neo-liberalism; Constructivism; National Interests.Abstract
The signing of Abraham Accords can promote the realization of the common interests among countries to a certain extent. However, it may also trigger some conflicts among nations. This paper mainly analyzes the important factors contributing to the signing of the Abraham Accords from three perspectives: (1) the external factors -- the intervention of the US; (2) the internal factors -- the Arab and Israel’s adaptation to the current international situations; (3) other factors -- the impact of COVID-19, the dictatorship of Arab leaders, and the personal political pursuits of the leaders from other nations. In this paper, Classical Realism is used to analyze the interests between countries, and the influence of some political decisions made by relevant state leaders is supplemented by Neo-realism. Additionally, in this paper, Neoliberalism and Constructivism are also employed to analyze the negotiations between national interests, including compromise, containment, and obstruction, as well as how negotiations promote the realization of common interests. It is expected that this paper can be of some reference significance to future research on the interests between nations as well as their cooperation and conflicts in the context of globalization.
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