Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese English News Reports from the Perspective of Ecolinguistics

-- Taking the Reports of the Northward Migration of Asian Elephants as an Example


  • Min Song



Critical Discourse Analysis; English News Reports; Ecolinguistics.


This study makes a Critical Discourse Analysis of the ecological and non-ecological features of Chinese English news reports and holds that news reports ultimately serves the interest groups it represents and cannot get rid of its ideological influence. To achieve this, with Fairclough’s three-dimensional model as the theoretical framework and from the perspective of ecolinguistics, this study, based on 29 English news reports on the northward migration of Asian elephants from China Daily and by building up a small corpus, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, aims to analyze the selected corpus with the help of AntConc 3.5.9 (windows) 2020. Finally, through the analysis of text analysis, discourse interpretation, and social interpretation, it is found that Chinese and English news reports have ecological and non-ecological features. At the same time, English news reports in China also try to express and build a harmonious relationship between man and nature. It reflects that China follows the ecological order concept of “harmonious co-existence between man and nature” and the ecological basis of “man and nature are the community of life”.


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How to Cite

Song, M. (2021). Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese English News Reports from the Perspective of Ecolinguistics : -- Taking the Reports of the Northward Migration of Asian Elephants as an Example. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities, 14, 238-247.