Unfair Utilization in Horrific Films: Objectifying Female Characters in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds


  • Qi Liu




Feminism; Film Analysis; Objectification; Alfred Hitchcock.


In this essay, it examines the film The Birds and analyzes the scenes necessary to advance the men’s desires in the film's presentation as a result of the director and screenwriter's unfair scripting and arrangement of female characters. These unequal arrangements were thought to satisfy the 1860s male moviegoer's desire for both power and beauty, and to have negative impacted the feminism that was gradually manifesting itself in Hollywood films. Proven by Laura Mulvey' s argument that the portrayal of women in Hollywood films has been maliciously distorted. While this essay will focus on Alfred Hitchcock's horror thrillers--The Birds.


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How to Cite

Liu, Q. (2022). Unfair Utilization in Horrific Films: Objectifying Female Characters in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities, 20, 109-115. https://doi.org/10.54691/bcpssh.v20i.2170