The Return of Neighborhood Space in the Context of Urban Renewal


  • Kai Cao
  • Zhipeng Jiang



Urbanization; Lost space; Neighborhood interface.


With the intensification of urban construction and urbanization, there is a positive picture across the country. However, with the spread of “urban disease”, the supporting facilities of cities and the quality of life of residents are relatively weakened. Through the discussion of the space loss of urban neighborhood interface caused by land policy under modern transformation and marketization, the negative reasons of urban neighborhood space and the importance of transforming it into positive space to promote its return are analyzed from multiple levels. According to the relevant basic elements, the basic constraints of the urban neighborhood interface are analyzed, the function and conceptual orientation of the urban interface space are expounded, and finally the regression strategy of the lost space of the urban adjacent interface is given.


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How to Cite

Cao, K., & Jiang, Z. (2022). The Return of Neighborhood Space in the Context of Urban Renewal. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities, 20, 256-261.