Packaging Design of Native Products from The Perspective of Rural Revitalization


  • Xue Han



Rural Revitalization; Native Product Packaging Design; Internet ; Marketing Strategy; Design Essentials.


From the perspective of rural revitalization, the packaging design of native products is very important. It not only assumes the role of protection, transportation and storage of goods in the initial circulation process, but more importantly, as a visual communication carrier, transmitting commodity information, building a platform for commodity beautification, and psychological communication with consumers. People realize that the product begins with packaging, and in today's globalization, packaging has become an integral part of the product. It has a positive promoting effect on increasing the sales volume of native products, and has certain promoting significance in the implementation of the development goals of rural revitalization. Therefore, the full text mainly from the perspective of rural revitalization elaborated the main principles of local characteristics packaging design, and according to the actual situation and the requirements of rural development, put forward the corresponding local characteristics packaging design points. Provide valuable reference suggestions for relevant designers, and then design product packaging with unique local characteristics, help agricultural development, and gradually achieve the strategic goal of rural revitalization.


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How to Cite

Han, X. (2023). Packaging Design of Native Products from The Perspective of Rural Revitalization. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities, 22, 32-38.