Interpretation of Two Female Cyborg Body Forms based on the Films Her and Titanium


  • Zixin Qiao



Female Cyborg Image; Female Sexuality; Psychoanalysis; Female Body.


With the assistance of psychoanalytic theory (the Oedipal complex developed by Freud), Neo-Freudian theory regarding abnormal behavior, female mirror theory given by Luce Irigaray, female movie theory by De Lauretis, and female sexuality theory, this paper combines them with the lens language of these two movies to explore the potential implication of two types of cyborg female images in the body aspect of Titanium and Her, which is based on the two paths of reading cyborg female simages brought by Anne Balsamo.


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How to Cite

Qiao, Z. (2023). Interpretation of Two Female Cyborg Body Forms based on the Films Her and Titanium. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities, 22, 53-58.