Geometric Form Composition and Performance in Decorative Paintings


  • Yingzhi Li
  • Shanfu Xiong



Decorative Painting; Geometry; Morphological Composition; Expressiveness.


The geometric form composition of decorative paintings is a highly generalized and refined abstract form of expression of objective things, and its composition is the presentation carrier of external material to convey the content. Geometric form composition is used flexibly and freely in decorative paintings. Its unique sense of simplicity, sense of order and interest creates a unique and brand new visual effect. The intersection and composition of point, line, surface and body enrich the sense of hierarchy of graphics and shapes in decorative paintings.


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How to Cite

Li, Y., & Xiong, S. (2023). Geometric Form Composition and Performance in Decorative Paintings. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities, 22, 204-208.