Editorial Team

The Editorial Board of World Scientific Research Journal (WSRJ)


Prof. Roderick Jennings

School of Communication Technology

University of Greenwich, London, UK


Dr Dorothy Smollett

Newcastle University, Singapore Campus 

Singapore 569830 


Prof. Norman Wordsworth 

Control Systems Centre 

The University of Manchester, M13 9PL, UK


Prof. Moore F Zimmerman

School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Newcastle University 

Newcastle, NE1 7RU, UK 


Dr Samantha Dulles

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Strathclyde

75 Montrose Street, Glasgow, UK, G1 1XJ 


Dr Rosemary Amelia

Lancaster University 

Lancaster LA1 4YR, UK


Dr Mavis Keppel

School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, Newcastle University 

Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK 


Prof Kennedy Wilcox

Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering 

University College London 

London WC1E 7JE, UK 


Dr Porter Carroll

Department of Civil Engineering 

University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building 

107 Rottenrow, Glasgow, UK, G4 0NG 


Dr Aubrey Timothy

School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials 

Newcastle University 

Newcastle, NE1 7RU, UK 


Dr Mortimer Thoreau

Power Electronics, Drives and Machines Group 

School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 

Newcastle University 

Newcastle, NE1 7RU, UK 


Dr Sandy Obadiah

Research Group: Centre for Telecommunications Research 

School of Natural & Mathematical Sciences | Division of Engineering 

King's College London 

Office: S2.45, Strand Building, Strand Campus, London, UK 


Dr Humphrey Valentine

School of Mechanical Engineering 

University of Birmingham 

Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK


Prof. Lakshmi Prayaga 

University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


Dr Chung Cheung

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong, China


Dr Bianzhou Choi

State University of New York

New York, USA


Dr Lei Jiang

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Nanjing, China


Dr Jianfeng Li

College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University

Fuzhou, China